💪Editing & Deleting Athletes
Learn how to edit, batch update, and delete athletes. Also learn how you can use temporary athlete values (placeholders) to create schedules before having complete information about them.
Last updated
Learn how to edit, batch update, and delete athletes. Also learn how you can use temporary athlete values (placeholders) to create schedules before having complete information about them.
Last updated
If you have created athletes, you may find that you made some errors or typos. Alternatively, you may be using temporary athlete values until their details are finalized, but still need to create schedules. Finally, GAM will handle deleting athletes by also removing them from all competitions and schedules with one click of a button. Learn more below!
To edit an athlete you've already created, all you have to do is click the pencil button at the end of the athlete tile, as outlined below.
From the edit dialogue, you can modify any details you want. These details will be dynamically applied throughout the meet to all competitions, schedules, and rotations the athlete is in.
If you need to change the team of an athlete, you can do so using the edit dialogue. Either select a pre-existing team or enter the name of a new one. The athlete will automatically be changed to that team.
Changing the team of an athlete will not remove them from any competitions or sessions.
You may need to change the category of an athlete before or during the meet. You can do so by either selecting a pre-existing category or by creating a new one. If you are creating a new category, you can also create a new competition with the athlete in it.
WARNING: Changing categories can be a very precarious operation because the category of an athlete decides which competitions and sessions they're in. This means that if they change categories, they must also change competitions and sessions and therefore will affect all other athletes' individual and team rankings and competition order.
To mitigate this issue when you change an athlete into another category GAM will automatically:
Remove them and delete their scores from all of the competitions associated with the old category
Remove them from all sessions and rotations they're in
Changing categories currently deletes all scores the athlete has. We're working on a feature to allow you to transfer scores to another competition.
Often in gymnastics meets many modifications to data come in at once. We provide an elegant solution to this problem that allows you to update multiple athletes at once. By using the unique athlete identifier, you can upload updated athlete data such that pre-existing athletes will be updated all at once.
Batch updating currently does not support changing the athletes' category. To change their category, you must do so manually, one at a time.
To batch update your athletes, first, export your pre-existing data using the "Export" button and re-upload it with the new details but the same identifiers.
For example, if we want to update our two athletes with identifiers 123 and 345 we can modify the exported file like so:
123, 452
Upon upload of this new CSV, both athletes will be updated with their new data.
This will not affect which competitions or sessions they are in. In other words, if they are already assigned to competitions and rotations, they will remain there.
Since you can batch update, you can leverage this tool to use temporary values (placeholders) instead of real values. This allows you to create athletes and schedules without knowing the exact details at the moment. Once you have more information about the athletes, you can batch-update your athletes using their unique identifiers and all your new details will be propagated throughout your competitions, schedules, and rotations without any extra effort.
To delete one or multiple athletes at once, select the athletes from the Athletes page of your meet and click the "Delete" button. Deleting the athletes automatically removes them from all competitions they are in, deleting any scores and routine videos they have, removing them from all schedules, and removing them from any rotations they're in.
Deleting athletes will automatically remove them from all competitions, and schedules (sessions and rotations), and delete their scores and routine videos.