Subdivisions & Athletes
Learn how to create and delete subdivisions, and how to add, remove, and organize your athletes within a competition.
Last updated
Learn how to create and delete subdivisions, and how to add, remove, and organize your athletes within a competition.
Last updated
Competitions need a way to divide the many athletes competing in the case that not all athletes can compete in the venue at the same time. To solve this, we use subdivisions: subsets of athletes, each assignable to a session.
In this guide we'll cover:
Once you've set up your competition, the next step is to add the subdivisions to sessions. If subdivisions aren't in a session, there's no way for judges to enter scores for them! For this reason, we've added warnings that will appear on all competitions that have unassigned subdivisions.
Subdivisions are subsets of athletes from a competition, which are assigned to a session to populate rotations. Each subdivision typically has an equal amount of athletes and is at most the number of athletes that can compete in the venue at one time.
To see a competition's subdivisions, click on a competition's tile from the "Competitions" page of your meet and navigate to the "Athletes" section. You'll find a tab bar with the subdivisions listed showing how many athletes each one has. Clicking on a subdivision tab will filter the athletes to only show one assigned to the subdivision.
For example, a competition with 100 athletes may have four subdivisions of 25 athletes. We'll need four different sessions to give all subdivisions time to compete.
We provide a tool for you to easily (re)-create subdivisions. It will take all the athletes already in the competition and re-organize them into new subdivisions while trying to keep teams and athletes with the same coaches together. You can always make modifications to the generated subdivisions after.
This tool works by:
Looking at how many athletes are already in your competition
With the Max athletes per subdivision number, decide how many subdivisions to create
In this example, there are 67 athletes and a max subdivision size of 67. Since 24*2 = 48 is smaller than 67, but 24*3 = 72 is larger, we make three subdivisions
Figure out how many athletes go into each subdivision
Since 67/24 is not a nice number, we have to divide it into three groups of 23, 22, and 22
Try and keep athletes from the same team and with the same coaches in the same subdivisions
If you don't have athletes in your competition yet, you must add them first
The subdivisions are generated for you when you first create your competitions (and selected the add all athletes option)
Each subdivision is a unique group of athletes, and each athlete cannot be in two subdivisions. Using the toolbar above the athlete list you can
Add athletes to a subdivision of choice
Remove athletes from a subdivision
Change an athlete's subdivision
Each of these operations depends on the Max athletes per subdivision number. You can change this number manually either by generating subdivisions again or by changing it in the competition's settings.
To add athletes to a subdivision, use the "Add Athletes" button from the Athletes page. You will be able to select athletes from the category the competition belongs to. You'll need to select which subdivision from the drop-down menu to add the athletes to.
You will be able to add all athletes from the competition's category that are not already in the competition. In other words, any athlete who is already in the competition is filtered out to avoid someone being signed up twice! If the athlete list is empty, either all athletes from the category in the competition, or there are no athletes in your category.
To remove athletes from a competition, you'll need to select them from the athlete list and click "Remove Athletes".
Removing athletes from a competition will also remove them from all schedules and sessions, as well as delete their scores and routine videos. This happens to preserve data integrity and cannot be turned off. Note as well that deleting a subdivision will also remove any athletes in that subdivision from the competition
If you only want to scratch (default their scores to zero) then you can instead use the Scratch. You can always undo their scratch status by using the button again,
You may have to scroll the toolbar on the top to see the button
You can also move athletes from one subdivision to another. Follow these steps:
Select the athletes you want to move
Click the Change Subdivision button.
In the dialogue that appears:
Select which subdivision you want to move the athletes into
Click Change subdivision
The remaining spots in a subdivision are marked above the drop-down menu. If there is not enough space for the athletes you have selected, you won't be able to move them. This number is the (# athletes in subdivision) - (# maximum athletes per subdivision).
You can change max size of a subdivision in the competition's settings
Adding another subdivision is as easy as clicking the button. On creation, it will automatically add an empty subdivision to the competition's list of subdivisions.
You can also use the Generate Subdivisions tool to make subdivisions. It will know how many subdivisions to make given the athletes in the competition
Each competition needs at least one subdivision. To delete your other subdivisions follow these steps:
Select the subdivision to delete using the subdivision tab bar
Scroll all the way to the right of the top tab bar and click Delete Subdivision
WARNING: Deleting a subdivision with athletes in it will automatically
Remove them from the competition
Remove them from all schedules
Delete all of their scores and routine videos
If you don't want this to happen, move the athletes to another subdivision first.
Every competition must have at least one subdivision, for this reason, the first subdivision cannot be deleted.